
How Soap Works

Jan 10th 2024

We all love a well stocked bathroom, it's the last place we want to be stuck on a busy day. That means a well cleaned toilet and bathroom stalls, as well as a full array of bathroom accessories. If … read more

A History of the Toilet

Jan 10th 2024

Here at Restroom Stalls and All, we know how important, yet how easy to overlook, your company bathrooms are. We do sell toilet partitions and toilet accessories. They are one of the bigger … read more

Benefits of Installing Grab Bars

Jan 10th 2024

As a business owner or manager, chances are you like to have a hand in every part of your business to ensure that it is running smoothly. There is one important aspect to business that many … read more

Um, Privacy Please!

Jan 10th 2024

Why are there giant gaps in the bathroom stalls?! Whether you’re a tourist or an American native, everyone has asked this question at least once after walking into a public restroom … read more